Where families come together!
Awarded 2021 Rideau Lakes Business of the Year
**Sunnyside is a Seasonal Only park and does not accomodate any short term camping**
Sunnyside Services
Sunnyside is a Full-Service venue that caters to those especially interested in family time. We like to offer our guests the availability to relax while we take the time to maintain and provide the ideal vacation environment. Our Services include, but are not limited to the following:
The lot and unit setup and blocking.
Building services, Decks, skirting. etc. Please note that all additions and renovations are subject to management approval.
Sunspace Rooms, Roofs, Railings, window shades.
Lot management, grass cutting, landscaping, gravel & soil delivery
Firewood delivery
Pumpouts (book here or at the Office)
Opening and Closing/Winterization (book here or at the Office)
Full line of R.V. Services, Propane inspections, Awnings, and Sunshades, etc.
Contact the Office at 613 273 3124 or email sunnysideservices@Hotmail.com to book your services today.
The excellence of Service Packages:
Bronze - $500.00 per year (plus HST).
- No charge for occupancy in excess of 100 days.
- Weekly garbage pick-up from the site (Monday). Sunnyside will provide a receptacle for you to leave one clear bag of household waster and one blue bag containing recyclables (metal cans, clean glass jars, and clean plastic containers). Paper and cardboard may be bundled and left in the bin also.
Silver - $1150 per year (plus HST).
- No charge for occupancy in excess of 100 days.
- Choice of three services below:
1. Weekly garbage pick-up from the site (See Bronze description above).
2. Weekly grass cutting & trimming.
3. Bi-weekly pump out mid-week (must be able to hold gray water).
4. Spring and Fall site clean-up.
5. Trailer opening and closing service.
Gold - $1499 per year (plus HST).
- No charge for occupancy in excess of 100 days.
- Weekly garbage pick-up from the site (See Bronze description above).
- Weekly grass cutting & trimming.
- Bi-weekly pump out mid-week (must be able to hold gray water).
- Spring and Fall site clean-up.
- Trailer opening and closing service.
No refunds given after May 2rd/2025